Universality and Sharp Matrix Concentration Inequalities


Brailovskaya, T; van Handel, R


We show that, under mild assumptions, the spectrum of a sum of independent random matrices is close to that of the Gaussian random matrix whose entries have the same mean and covariance. This nonasymptotic universality principle yields sharp matrix concentration inequalities for general sums of independent random matrices when combined with the Gaussian theory of Bandeira, Boedihardjo, and Van Handel. A key feature of the resulting theory is that it is applicable to a broad class of random matrix models that may have highly nonhomogeneous and dependent entries, which can be far outside the mean-field situation considered in classical random matrix theory. We illustrate the theory in applications to random graphs, matrix concentration inequalities for smallest singular values, sample covariance matrices, strong asymptotic freeness, and phase transitions in spiked models.


Brailovskaya, T., and R. van Handel. “Universality and Sharp Matrix Concentration Inequalities.” Geometric and Functional Analysis 34, no. 6 (December 1, 2024): 1734–1838. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00039-024-00692-9.
Geometric and Functional Analysis

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