XVIIIth Annual Geometry Festival
Previous Geometry Festival Speakers
1985 at Penn:
- Marcel Berger
- Pat Eberlein
- Jost Eschenburg
- Friedrich Hirzebruch
- Blaine Lawson
- Leon Simon
- Scott Wolpert
- Deane Yang
1986 at Maryland:
- Uwe Abresch, "Explicit constant mean curvature tori"
- Zhi-yong Gao, "The existence of negatively Ricci curved metrics"
- David Hoffman, "New results in the global theory of minimal surfaces"
- Jack Lee, "Conformal geometry and the Yamabe problem"
- Ngai-ming Mok, "Compact Kähler manifolds of non-negative curvature"
- John Morgan, "Self dual connections and the topology of 4-manifolds"
- Chuu-lian Terng, "Submanifolds with flat normal bundle"
1987 at Penn:
- Robert Bryant, "The construction of metrics with exceptional holonomy"
- Francis Bonahon, "Hyperbolic 3-manifolds with arbitrarily short geodesics"
- Keith Burns, "Geodesic flows on the 2-sphere"
- Andreas Floer, "Instantons and Casson's invariant"
- Hermann Karcher, "Embedded minimal surfaces in the 3-sphere"
- Jürgen Moser, "Minimal foliations of tori"
- Ed Witten. "Applications of quantum field theory to topology"
1988 at North Carolina:
- Detlef Gromoll, "On complete spaces of non-negative Ricci
- Nicolas Kapouleas, "Constant mean curvature surfaces in
- Robert Osserman, "Gauss map of complete minimal surfaces"
- Pierre Pansu, "Lp-cohomology of negatively curved
- Peter Petersen, "Bounding homotopy types by geometry"
- Gang Tian, "Kähler-Einstein metrics on quasiprojective
- DaGang Yang, "Some new examples of manifolds of positive Ricci
- Wolfgang Ziller, "Recent results on Einstein metrics"
1989 at Stony Brook:
- Eugenio Calabi, "Extremal singular metrics on surfaces"
- Harold Donnelly, "Nodal sets of eigenfunctions on Riemannian
- Yasha Eliashberg, "Symplectic geometric methods in several complex
- Thomas Farrell, "A topological analogue of Mostow's rigidity
- Lesley Sibner, "Solutions to Yang-Mills equations which are not
- Carlos Simpson, "Moduli spaces of representations of fundamental
1990 at Maryland:
- Michael T. Anderson, "Behavior of metrics under Ricci curvature
- Kevin Corlette, "Harmonic maps and geometric superrigidity"
- Kenji Fukaya, "Fundamental groups of almost non-negatively curved
- Misha Gromov, "Recent progress in symplectic geometry"
- Werner Müller, "On spectral theory for locally symmetric manifolds
with finite volume"
- Rick Schoen, "Least area problems for Lagrangian submanifolds"
- Gudlaugur Thorbergsson, "Isoparametric submanifolds and their Tits
- Shing-Tung Yau, "Some theorems in Kähler geometry"
1991 at Duke:
- Jeff Cheeger, "Transgressed Euler classes of SL(2n,Z)-bundles and adiabatic
limits of eta-invariants"
- Chris Croke, "Volumes of balls in manifolds without conjugate points and
rigidity of geodesic flows"
- Carolyn Gordon, "When you can't hear the shape of a manifold"
- Wu-Yi Hsiang, "Sphere packing and spherical geometry: The Kepler conjecture
and beyond"
- Alan Nadel, "On the geometry of Fano varieties"
- Grigori Perelman, "Alexandrov's spaces with curvature bounded from
- Stefan Stolz, "On the space of positive curvature metrics modulo
1992 at NYU/Courant:
- Jonathan Block, "Aperiodic tilings, positive scalar curvature and other
homological phenomena"
- John Franks, "Infinitely many closed geodesics on the 2-sphere"
- Karsten Grove, "The inevitable presence of singular spaces in Riemannian
- Lisa Jeffrey, "Volumes of moduli spaces of flat connections on Riemannian
- Jun Li, "Anti-self-dual connections on SU(2) bundles over algebraic
- Dusa McDuff, "Symplectic 4-manifolds"
- Clifford Taubes, "Anti-self dual conformal structures in 4 dimensions"
1993 at Penn:
- Shing-Shen Chern, "Finsler geometry"
- Richard Hamilton, "An isoperimetric estimate for the curve-shrinking
- Vaughan Jones, "Loop groups and operator algebras"
- Claude LeBrun, "Compact Kähler manifolds of constant scalar
- Louis Nirenberg, "The maximum principle and related things"
- Xiaochun Rong, "Collapsing in low dimensions and rationality of geometric
- I. M. Singer, "Geometry and quantum field theory"
1995 at Stony Brook:
- Dimitri Burago, "Asymptotic geometry of Zn-periodic
- Tobias Colding, "Ricci curvature and convergence"
- Dominic Joyce, "Compact Riemannian manifolds with exceptional holonomy
- Yael Karshon, "Hamiltonian torus actions"
- David Morrison, "Analogues of Seiberg-Witten invariants for counting curves
on Calabi-Yau manifolds"
- Tom Mrowka, "The Seiberg-Witten equations and 4-manifold topology"
- Yongbin Ruan, "Higher genus pseudo-holomorphic curves"
- Edward Witten, "Monopoles and four-manifolds"
1996 at Maryland:
- J. Baez, "Quantum gravity and BF theory in 4 dimensions"
- Jean-Luc Brylinski, "Gauge groups and reciprocity laws on algebraic
- Bruce Kleiner, "Spaces of nonpositive curvature"
- G. Margulis, "Quantitative Oppenheim Conjecture"
- S. P. Novikov, "Laplace and Darboux transformations"
- Richard Schwartz, "The Devil's Pentagram"
- Guofong Wei, "Volume comparison with integral curvature bounds"
- Shmuel Weinberger, "Equivariant rigidity: For and against"
- Jeanne Nielsen Clelland , "Geometry of Conservation Laws for Parabolic
- Anatole Katok , "Rigidity and invariant geometric structures for
differentiable group actions"
- François Labourie , "Monge-Ampere problems, holomorphic curves and
- Gang Liu, "Floer Homology and the Arnold Conjecture"
- William Minicozzi, "Harmonic functions on manifolds"
- Lorenz Schwachhöfer, "The classification of irreducible holonomies
of torsion free connections"
- Matthias Schwarz, "Symplectic fixed points and quantum cohomology"
- Stephen Semmes, "Geometry with little smoothness"
- Scott Axelrod, "Generalized Chern-Simons invariants as a generalized
Lagrangian field theory"
- Jean-Michel Bismut, "Chern-Simons classes, Bott Chern classes and analytic
- Spencer Bloch, "Algebro-geometric Chern-Simons classes"
- Robert Bryant, "Recent progress on the holonomy classification problem"
- Robert Bryant (for S.-S. Chern), "Recent results and open problems in Finsler geometry"
Jeff Cheeger and Blaine Lawson, "The mathematical work of James Simons"
- Jeff Cheeger, "Ricci Curvature"
- Jürg Fröhlich, "Physics and the Chern-Simons form
(from anomalies to the quantum Hall effect to magnetic stars)"
- Mikhail Gromov, "Dynamics on function spaces"
- Maxim Kontsevich, "On regulators, critical values and
- Blaine Lawson, "Connections and singularities of maps"
- Robert MacPherson, "Spaces with torus actions"
- John Milnor, "Remarks on geometry and dynamics"
- I.M. Singer, TBA
- Dennis Sullivan "A combinatorial model for non-linearity"
- Clifford Taubes, "Seiberg-Witten invariants, harmonic forms, and their
pseudo-holomorphic curves"
- Gang Tian, "Yang-Mills connections and calibration"
- C.-N. Yang, "Vector potentials and connections"
- S.-T. Yau, "Mirror symmetry and rational curves"
1999 at Penn:
- Peter Sarnak, "Some spectral problems on negatively curved
- Zheng-xu He, "The gradient flow for the Möbius energy of
- Curtis McMullen, "The moduli space of Riemann surfaces is
- Paul Biran, "Lagrange skeletons and symplectic rigidity"
- Helmut Hofer, Holomorphic curves and contact geometry"
- Werner Ballmann, "On negative curvature and the essential spectrum of
geometric operators"
- Shlomo Sternberg, "Multiplets of representations and Kostant's Dirac
- Samuel Ferguson, "The Kepler Conjecture"
- Robert Meyerhoff, "Rigorous computer-aided proofs in the theory of hyperbolic 3-manifolds"
- Herman Gluck, "Geometry, topology and plasma physics"
- Burkhard Wilking, "New examples of manifolds with positive sectional curvature almost everywhere"
- John Roe, "Amenability and assembly maps"
- Eleny Ionel, "Gromov invariants of symplectic sums"
- Mikhail Gromov, "Spaces of holomorphic maps"
- Robert Bryant, "Rigidity and quasirigidity of extremal cycles in Hermitian
symmetric spaces"
- Tobias Colding, "Embedded minimal surfaces in 3-manifolds"
- Boris Dubrovin, "Normal forms of integrable PDE's"
- John Lott, "Heat equation methods in noncommutative geometry"
- Dusa McDuff, "Seminorms on the Hamiltonian group and the nonsqueezing
- Rick Schoen, "Variational approaches to the construction minimal lagrangian
- Shing-Tung Yau, "Mirror symmetry"
- Denis Auroux,
"Singular plane curves and topological invariants of symplectic manifolds"
- Hugh Bray, "On the mass of higher dimensional black holes"
- Alice Chang, "Conformally invariant operators and the Gauss-Bonnet
- Xiuxiong Chen,"The space of Kähler metrics"
- George Daskalopoulos,"On the Yang-Mills flow in higher dimensions"
- Alex Eskin, "Billiards and lattices"
- Juha Heinonen, "On the existence of quasiregular mappings"