Research Grants

Research Training Group (RTG)

The Department of Mathematics at Duke University is supported by two NSF RTG grants (DMS-2038056, DMS-2231514).

Analysis and Applications

Vorticity formulation of Euler equations

This Research Training Group (RTG) is centered within the areas of analysis, probability, partial differential equations (PDE), and computation. This research and training activity is funded by the National Science Foundation grant "Training Tomorrow's Workforce in Analysis and Applications" (award DMS-2038056) beginning in July 2021. Led by 12 mathematics faculty working in analysis, probability, PDE, and computation, the RTG will engage undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in a collection of activities designed to enhance research skills and deepen educational and training experiences.

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Number Theory: Linked via L-functions

Twelve faculty in number theory and related areas are training versatile arithmeticians with support from DMS-2231514.  We capitalize on our team's high-energy approach to cutting-edge research, combined with our empathy for student perspectives, to offer a supportive path to successful mathematical research.  Special programs for graduate students include the Duke Research Scholars program, the Duke Winter School, and the opportunity to be a part of a Thematic Research team.  Undergraduate  opportunities include research experiences via Math+ and Millennium prize courses.

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TRIPODS@Duke was established in 2019 with a grant from the National Science Foundation to further our understanding of foundational principles in data science and to identify opportunities for innovation. Since then, as many as 25 faculty members – as well as graduate students and postdoctoral fellows – are working across disciplines to develop new tools and methods and to create dialogues in data science throughout North Carolina’s “Research Triangle.”

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