L.P. Smith Award for Teaching Excellence
Winners of the Award
The following is a complete list of the winners of the award. The recipients are listed by academic year, with the most recent winners listed first.
2023-2024 | Rena Chu and Kairi Black |
2022-2023 | Kairi Black and James Wheeler |
2021-2022 | Sven and Chindu Mohanakumar |
2020-2021 | Stephen McKean and Hwai-Ray Tung |
2019-2020 | Omar Melikechi and Ruby Kim |
2018-2019 | Erika Ordog, Eric Hopper, and Jeff LaComb |
2017-2018 | Michael Bell, Weifan Liu, and Erin Beckman |
2016-2017 | Chester Lian and Michael Bell |
2015-2016 | Ashleigh Thomas and Chester Lian |
2014-2015 | Brian Fitzpatrick and Caitlin Leverson |
2013-2014 | Phillip Andreae and Andrew Goetz |
2012-2013 | Brian Fitzpatrick and Sean Lawley |
2011-2012 | Christopher O'Neill and Esteban Chavez |
2010-2011 | Sarah Schott and Michael Pruitt |
2009-2010 | Alan Parry and Sarah Schott |
2008-2009 | Tiffany Kolba and Jeff Jauregui |
2007-2008 | Rann Bar-On |
2006-2007 | Paul Bendich |
2005-2006 | Michael Nicholas and Joseph Spivey |
2004-2005 | Thomas Laurent, Bill LeFew, Dan Yasaki, and Wenjun Ying |
2003-2004 | Dave Anderson, John Cain, and Tim Lucas |
2002-2003 | Christian Benes, Michael Kozdron, and Chris Hale |
2000-2001 | Christian Benes, Michael Kozdron, and Ted Welsh |
1999-2000 | Ted Welsh |
1998-1999 | Laura Taalman |
1997-1998 | Laura Taalman |
1996-1997 | Chad Fargason |
1995-1996 | Anna Georgieva and Chris Odden |
1994-1995 | Beth Brooks and Jim Rolf |
1993-1994 | Keener Hughen and Kevin Knudson |
1992-1993 | Sharad Chaudhary and Rick Clelland |
1991-1992 | Scott Gordon and Emily Puckette |
1990-1991 | Shandelle Henson and Chris Peterson |
1989-1990 | Al Bourgeois and Mickey McDonald |
1988-1989 | Tom Polaski and Tien-Yu Sun |
1987-1988 | Jeanne Nailor and Bill Mueller |
1986-1987 | Teresa Gonzales |
1985-1986 | Donna Gates Sylvester |
1984-1985 | Julie Kimbell |
1983-1984 | David Hartz and David Massey |
1982-1983 | Bruce Pitman and Les Reid |
1981-1982 | Lewis Blake, Joe Fehribach, and Karen Israel |