Captain L.P. & Barbara Smith Awards for Teaching Excellence

L.P. Smith Award for Teaching Excellence

Winners of the Award

The following is a complete list of the winners of the award. The recipients are listed by academic year, with the most recent winners listed first.

Award winner Rena Chu with Hongkai Zhao, Chair.
Rena Chu (left) with Math Chair Hongkai Zhao
Barbara Smith Award winner Kairi Black with Hongkai Zhao, Chair.
Kairi Black (left) with Math Chair Hongkai Zhao


2023-2024Rena Chu and Kairi Black
2022-2023Kairi Black and James Wheeler
2021-2022Sven and Chindu Mohanakumar
2020-2021Stephen McKean and Hwai-Ray Tung
2019-2020Omar Melikechi and Ruby Kim
2018-2019Erika Ordog, Eric Hopper, and Jeff LaComb
2017-2018Michael Bell, Weifan Liu, and Erin Beckman
2016-2017Chester Lian and Michael Bell
2015-2016Ashleigh Thomas and Chester Lian
2014-2015Brian Fitzpatrick and Caitlin Leverson
2013-2014Phillip Andreae and Andrew Goetz
2012-2013Brian Fitzpatrick and Sean Lawley
2011-2012Christopher O'Neill and Esteban Chavez
2010-2011Sarah Schott and Michael Pruitt
2009-2010Alan Parry and Sarah Schott
2008-2009Tiffany Kolba and Jeff Jauregui
2007-2008Rann Bar-On
2006-2007Paul Bendich
2005-2006Michael Nicholas and Joseph Spivey
2004-2005Thomas Laurent, Bill LeFew, Dan Yasaki, and Wenjun Ying
2003-2004Dave Anderson, John Cain, and Tim Lucas
2002-2003Christian Benes, Michael Kozdron, and Chris Hale
2000-2001Christian Benes, Michael Kozdron, and Ted Welsh
1999-2000Ted Welsh
1998-1999Laura Taalman
1997-1998Laura Taalman
1996-1997Chad Fargason
1995-1996Anna Georgieva and Chris Odden
1994-1995Beth Brooks and Jim Rolf
1993-1994Keener Hughen and Kevin Knudson
1992-1993Sharad Chaudhary and Rick Clelland
1991-1992Scott Gordon and Emily Puckette
1990-1991Shandelle Henson and Chris Peterson
1989-1990Al Bourgeois and Mickey McDonald
1988-1989Tom Polaski and Tien-Yu Sun
1987-1988Jeanne Nailor and Bill Mueller
1986-1987Teresa Gonzales
1985-1986Donna Gates Sylvester
1984-1985Julie Kimbell
1983-1984David Hartz and David Massey
1982-1983Bruce Pitman and Les Reid
1981-1982Lewis Blake, Joe Fehribach, and Karen Israel