We consider steady states of the two-dimensional incompressible Euler equations on T2 and construct smooth and singular steady states around a particular singular steady state. More precisely, we construct families of smooth and singular steady solutions that converge to the Bahouri–Chemin patch. read more about this publication »
In this work, we seek to simulate rare transitions between metastable states using score-based generative models. An efficient method for generating high-quality transition paths is valuable for the study of molecular systems since data is often difficult to obtain. We develop two novel methods for… read more about this publication »
We study a family of structure-preserving deterministic numerical schemes for Lindblad equations. This family of schemes has a simple form and can systemically achieve arbitrary high-order accuracy in theory. Moreover, these schemes can also overcome the non-physical issues that arise from many… read more about this publication »
We study Betti numbers of sequences of Riemannian manifolds which Benjamini–Schramm converge to their universal covers. Using the Price inequalities we developed elsewhere, we derive two distinct convergence results. First, under a negative Ricci curvature assumption and no assumption on sign of… read more about this publication »
For the one dimensional Burgers equation with a random and periodic forcing, it is well-known that there exists a family of invariant measures, each corresponding to a different average velocity. In this paper, we consider the coupled invariant measures and study how they change as the velocity… read more about this publication »
We construct a divergence-free velocity field u:[0,T]×T2→R2 satisfying (Formula presented.) such that the corresponding drift-diffusion equation exhibits anomalous dissipation for all smooth initial data. We also show that, given any α0<1, the flow can be modified such that it is uniformly… read more about this publication »
Linear response theory is a fundamental framework studying the macroscopic response of a physical system to an external perturbation. This paper focuses on the rigorous mathematical justification of linear response theory for Langevin dynamics. We give some equivalent characterizations for… read more about this publication »
We show that, under mild assumptions, the spectrum of a sum of independent random matrices is close to that of the Gaussian random matrix whose entries have the same mean and covariance. This nonasymptotic universality principle yields sharp matrix concentration inequalities for general sums of… read more about this publication »
We study the perfect conductivity problem with closely spaced perfect conductors embedded in a homogeneous matrix where the current-electric field relation is the power law J=σ|E|p-2E. The gradient of solutions may be arbitrarily large as ε, the distance between inclusions, approaches to 0. To… read more about this publication »
We present a form of stratified MCMC algorithm built with non-reversible stochastic dynamics in mind. It can also be viewed as a generalization of the exact milestoning method or form of NEUS. We prove the convergence of the method under certain assumptions, with expressions for the convergence… read more about this publication »
We develop a protocol for learning a class of interacting bosonic Hamiltonians from dynamics with Heisenberg-limited scaling. For Hamiltonians with an underlying bounded-degree graph structure, we can learn all parameters with root mean square error ϵ using O(1/ϵ) total evolution time, which is… read more about this publication »
In this paper, we consider topological featurizations of data defined over simplicial complexes, like images and labeled graphs, obtained by convolving this data with various filters before computing persistence. Viewing a convolution filter as a local motif, the persistence diagram of the… read more about this publication »
We introduce a new class of generalised quadratic forms over totally real number fields, which is rich enough to capture the arithmetic of arbitrary systems of quadrics over the rational numbers. We explore this connection through a version of the Hardy-Littlewood circle method over number fields. read more about this publication »
A new mathematical model of melatonin synthesis in pineal cells is created and connected to a slightly modified previously created model of the circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The SCN influences the production of melatonin by upregulating two key enzymes in the pineal. The… read more about this publication »
In this paper, we show that the Keller-Segel equation equipped with zero Dirichlet Boundary condition and actively coupled to a Stokes-Boussinesq flow is globally well-posed provided that the coupling is sufficiently large. We will in fact show that the dynamics is quenched after certain time. In… read more about this publication »
In this paper, we introduce a bilevel optimization framework for addressing inverse mean-field games, alongside an exploration of numerical methods tailored for this bilevel problem. The primary benefit of our bilevel formulation lies in maintaining the convexity of the objective function and the… read more about this publication »
We prove that a maximally modulated singular oscillatory integral operator along a hypersurface defined by (y,Q(y))⊆Rn+1, for an arbitrary non-degenerate quadratic form Q, admits an a priori bound on Lp for all 1 read more about this publication »
We introduce a notion of stability for non-autonomous Hamiltonian flows on two-dimensional annular surfaces. This notion of stability is designed to capture the sustained twisting of particle trajectories. The main Theorem is applied to establish a number of results that reveal a form of… read more about this publication »
In this work, we study the problem of learning a partial differential equation (PDE) from its solution data. PDEs of various types are used to illustrate how much the solution data can reveal the PDE operator depending on the underlying operator and initial data. A data-driven and data-adaptive… read more about this publication »
Analog quantum simulation is a promising path towards solving classically intractable problems in many-body physics on near-term quantum devices. However, the presence of noise limits the size of the system and the length of time that can be simulated. In our work, we consider an error model in… read more about this publication »