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Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

Elgindi, TM; Huang, Y

We consider steady states of the two-dimensional incompressible Euler equations on T2 and construct smooth and singular steady states around a particular singular steady state. More precisely, we construct families of smooth and singular steady solutions that converge to the Bahouri–Chemin patch. read more about this publication »

Journal of Computational Physics

Triplett, L; Lu, J

In this work, we seek to simulate rare transitions between metastable states using score-based generative models. An efficient method for generating high-quality transition paths is valuable for the study of molecular systems since data is often difficult to obtain. We develop two novel methods for… read more about this publication »

Journal of Applied and Computational Topology

Solomon, YE; Bendich, P

In this paper, we consider topological featurizations of data defined over simplicial complexes, like images and labeled graphs, obtained by convolving this data with various filters before computing persistence. Viewing a convolution filter as a local motif, the persistence diagram of the… read more about this publication »

Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu

Browning, T; Pierce, LB; Schindler, D

We introduce a new class of generalised quadratic forms over totally real number fields, which is rich enough to capture the arithmetic of arbitrary systems of quadrics over the rational numbers. We explore this connection through a version of the Hardy-Littlewood circle method over number fields. read more about this publication »

Inventiones Mathematicae

Drivas, TD; Elgindi, TM; Jeong, IJ

We introduce a notion of stability for non-autonomous Hamiltonian flows on two-dimensional annular surfaces. This notion of stability is designed to capture the sustained twisting of particle trajectories. The main Theorem is applied to establish a number of results that reveal a form of… read more about this publication »

Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs

Cai, Y; Tong, Y; Preskill, J

Analog quantum simulation is a promising path towards solving classically intractable problems in many-body physics on near-term quantum devices. However, the presence of noise limits the size of the system and the length of time that can be simulated. In our work, we consider an error model in… read more about this publication »