Number Theory

Upcoming Events

Dante Bonolis (Duke University)
Physics 119
Rena Chu (Duke University)
Physics 119
Kai-Wen Lan (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Mathematics)
Physics 119

I will start with some introduction to Shimura varieties and their completed cohomology, and report on my joint work in progress with Lue Pan which shows that, in the…
read more about Some vanishing results for the rational completed cohomology of Shimura varieties »

Sachi Hashimoto (Brown University)
Physics 119

Faltings's theorem tells us that the set of rational points on a curve of genus at least 2 is finite, but explicitly determining this finite set is a difficult problem.…
read more about p-Adic methods for determining rational points on curves »

Zhilin Luo (University of Chicago)
Physics 119
Pan Yan (University of Arizona, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Ameya Pitale (University of Oklahoma, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Physics 119