Our Mission
The mission of the undergraduate program in the Department of Mathematics at Duke University is to provide students with an understanding of mathematical thought and knowledge, the ability to use this understanding to produce and communicate mathematics, and the preparation to apply these skills in advanced degree programs and/or careers requiring expertise in mathematics.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Duke Mathematics Department is firmly committed to the values of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Our work as mathematicians cannot be complete unless all are given the genuine opportunity to succeed at mathematics, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. As a department, we are well aware that past and current injustices have prevented far too many people from living up to their mathematical potential. We are committed to maintaining a department culture that is welcoming and nurturing to all. We expect all members of our department to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with these values and free from any form of discrimination or harassment.
In the wake of the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and too many others, we affirm that Black Lives Matter. We have been engaging in serious self-examination of our practices in regard to race, particularly in the areas of undergraduate instruction, departmental climate, faculty hiring, and engagement with the broader Durham community. We invite the input of all members of our community (students, faculty, and staff) in this process; you can contact Adam Levine, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
We take pride in our outreach to the community outside our department. Professors work with high school students and teachers to solve specific math problems. Women mathematicians (as seniors in high school) come from all around the world to participate in the Summer Workshop in Math. Lecturers present to the Duke community inspiring stories about mathematics, such as an incredible journey for finding fundamental truths or how mathematics is used for real world applications. Learn more about these programs here.
Interdisciplinary Focus
Researchers in the mathematics department interact with people in statistics and computer science, the physical and biological sciences, and the school of medicine. Interdisciplinary activities on campus include: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, an integrative, multi-disciplinary training program that encompasses the study of biology using computational and quantitative methods; and the Information Initiative at Duke, integrating various disciplines to unlock the potential of big data.