Frontiers in Mathematics

The Frontiers in Mathematics at Duke is a forum for young mathematicians to present exciting new results in a series of distinguished lectures. Recent past lectures have included speakers from Cambridge University, University of Michigan, MIT, and Yale.

Recent speakers

Jessica Fintzen
Lisa Piccirillo
Stefan Steinerberger
Bena Tshishiku
Hong Wang
Jonathan Niles-Weed
Angkana Rüland


Upcoming Events

Jinyoung Park (New York University)
Physics 119

Threshold phenomena in random discrete structures are fundamental in several branches of mathematics. In this talk, we will illustrate the Kahn–Kalai Conjecture, a…
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Jinyoung Park
Physics 119

We discuss some recent progress on the second Kahn--Kalai Conjecture (KKC2), the original motivation for the (first) Kahn--Kalai Conjecture which is now proved by Park…
read more about On the second Kahn--Kalai Conjecture »