Undergraduate Research & Activities

6 members of Spring 2022 REU team
Spring 2022 Semester REU team: Logan Stokols, Daniel Block, Rachel Odonkor, Marie-Helene Tome, Omar Melikechi, Sara Azimi

Math+ (Formerly "DOMath")  Collaborative Research Teams

The RTG supports several opportunities for undergraduates to engage in collaborative mathematics research, during the summer or during the regular fall and spring semesters.   Most of these research opportunities are organized under the  Math+ program (formerly DOMath).   Led by a faculty member and graduate student, each research team includes 2-4 undergraduate students and the projects run for 6 weeks during the summer or during a regular semester.  Contact one of the RTG faculty if you would like to participate. 

Previous research projects led by the RTG team.


Undergraduate Research Symposium

Each fall, the RTG team hosts an undergraduate research symposium in the areas of applied math, analysis, probability, and computation.  Undergraduate students from regional schools who have participated in a math research project are invited to present a poster or give a short talk about their work.   The symposium also includes faculty keynote speakers, as well as a panel discussion about opportunities for graduate study in applied math, analysis, probability, and computation. 

Fall 2024 Undergraduate Research  Symposium

Fall 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium

Fall 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium

Fall 2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium