New Connections in Math 2023

Analysis, Probability, PDE, Computation, & Applications

Date: Friday and Saturday, October 13-14, 2023
Location: Duke University, Durham, NC.  All presentations will take place in Gross Hall.

Are you an undergraduate student interested in analysis, probability, PDE, computation, or applied mathematics?  

Do you want to learn more about research opportunities and graduate study in these fields?

New Connections in Math (NCM23) is a research symposium for undergraduate students interested in analysis, probability, PDE, computation, and applied mathematics.  Organized and hosted by the RTG Team in the Duke Mathematics Department, the event will be a great way for students to learn about some current math research opportunities and about graduate study in math.   Participants will meet other undergraduate students doing research, as well as graduate students and faculty working in analysis, probability, PDE, computation, and applications.  Students who have been involved in a summer research project or semester research project are strongly encouraged to give a short talk about their work.   The program will include: student research talks, faculty keynote speakers, a panel discussion with grad students and faculty about opportunities for graduate study, and many opportunities to interact with other mathematicians.

Some funding from the National Science Foundation is available to support undergraduate participation.  All participants must register, using the form below; funding support can be requested on the registration form.

Click HERE to register. 
(Registration is free, but the funding is rolling. So apply early to increase the chance we still have funding left. However, don't hesitate to apply even if the conference is just around the corner! )

Lodging: A block of rooms has been reserved at the AC Hilton Hotel which is walkable to Duke. Registered participants who are awarded funding are encouraged to use this hotel. You can use this link to reserve a hotel room at AC Hilton Hotel before September 27th. 

There are many other hotels in Durham as well as AirB&B's.

Questions? Contact

Tentative Schedule:   

Friday, October 13; Gross Hall 330, Ahmadieh Family Grand Hall.

1:30-2:40 Welcome and Student Presentations

  • Kyle Polage (Washington State):  "An Efficient Semi-Real-Time Algorithm for Optimal Path Planning"
  • Michelle Bang (Oregon State): "Application of Advanced Statistical Methods for Large-Scale Characterization of Mutational Effects on Biological Fitness"
  • Robert Deaton (GA Tech) : "Dissipation times of pulsed diffusions using a Monte Carlo L^2 norm estimator"

2:40-3:10 Break, Math Department Tea

3:10-3:55 Faculty speaker: Veronica Ciocanel : "Mathematical modeling of proteins transport in cells."

4:00-5:00 Student Presentations

  • Mathilda Nguyen (Drexel) "Hierarchical Inference with Bayesian Neural Network for inferring structural parameters of Galaxies"
  • Gabriel Montes (GA Tech) "Approximating Combinatorial Problems Using Hybrid Quantum Algorithms"
  • Shourya Mukherjee (UNC-CH) "Simulating the 2-Point Pumping Heart using the Immersed Boundary Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement"

5:30 Dinner/evening activity

Saturday, October 14; Gross Hall 103

8:30 Coffee & tea.

9:00-10:00  Student Presentations 

  • Jakin Ng (MIT) "Multistage Neural Networks on Learning Turbulence"
  • Gabriela Bourla (Princeton/Waterloo) "Social Networks: Enumerating Maximal Community Patterns in c-Closed Graphs"
  • Tahda Queer (Hunter College) "Rainbow Cliques Guaranteed: New Results on Colorful Turan Problems"

10:00-10:30 Break

10:30-11:30  Student Presentations 

  • Brittany Ahn (GA Tech) "The effect of temperature on neuronal firing dynamics of Drosophila melanogaster sensory neurons"
  • Benjamin Ingimarson (Carnegie Mellon) "On solitons and long waves in particle lattices with forces of infinite range"
  • Yash Rastogi (University of Chicago) "Analysis of the Kohn Laplacian and Sub-Laplacian on Compact Quotients of Quadric Groups"

11:35-12:20 Faculty speaker: Tarek Elgindi : Dynamics and Fluids

12:30-2:00  Lunch with faculty and grad students

2:00-3:15  Panel discussion about graduate study in math, careers in math

3:15-3:30 Break

3:30-4:15 Faculty speaker: Jonathan Mattingly

4:15 End.

This event is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation grant "RTG: Training Tomorrow's Workforce in Analysis and Applications" (DMS-2038056).