Why Math?

Mathematics majors acquire keen problem-solving abilities and outstanding analytical skills that help make them successful. Once they graduate, majors discover how marketable they are – employers and graduate programs understand the value someone who studied math can bring their organization or program.

Learn More about Career Opportunities

Check out below why Phoebe Klett, Lexx Pino and Kyle Campbell chose to major in math.

What about a double major?

Using mathematics as a supplement to your primary major can make your future job or graduate school applications much stronger. Potential employers and graduate school admissions committees know that the study of mathematics requires and develops strong problem-solving skills, comprehension of abstract concepts, and creative thinking ability; all highly desirable qualities in applicants to almost any field or industry.

In addition, many of them know that the applicant who will be successful working with them will need specific mathematical skills thus putting the applicant with a math major at the top of their list.

What is it like being a math major?

As a math major, you will have a wide variety of options in your course of study. After completing a set of core courses, you can sample from a variety of different courses representing the main areas of mathematics. There will be opportunity to take directed reading courses and to participate in undergraduate research working with faculty members. Through the whole process, you will have a faculty advisor to help guide you in making decisions that will optimize your undergraduate mathematics experience.

What about life after graduation?

The field of mathematics is growing, fairly lucrative, and offers a good quality of life. According to CareerCast.com – a career site for finding targeted job opportunities by industry, function and location – Mathematician is among the 10 Best Jobs of 2021, while math skills can also be found among other leading careers.

Mathematician received an overall ranking of 5th, while projecting growth of 33 percent. The position listed its median salary as about $110,800 per year.