We offer both a bachelor of science and a bachelor of arts in math. Students who plan to attend graduate school in mathematics or the sciences should consider working towards the bachelor of science degree.
For a B.S. Math Degree | For a A.B. Math Degree |
Recommended: Students without computer experience are encouraged to take COMPSCI 101: Program Design and Analysis I
Note: Students considering a math major are strongly encouraged to take MATH 221, which teaches linear algebra along with the skills of rigorous mathematical reasoning needed by math majors. However, an alternative route is to take MATH 218 along with MATH 240, 242, or 245 in order to develop the skills of writing mathematical proofs. The combination of 218 with 240, 242, or 245 may be counted as the prerequisite for any course that requires MATH 221. (Many students who took MATH 221 may also benefit from these courses as well.)
In particular, Pratt students considering a math major should not take the engineering sequence MATH 218/353; they should instead take MATH 221 followed by MATH 356 for a first course in differential equations. This alternative sequence has been approved by Pratt for engineers.
Note: A student interested in the math major who has already taken MATH 202 (and therefore is ineligible to enroll in MATH 212, 219, or 222) should consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies as soon as possible.
Math Courses
For B.S. Math Degree | For A.B. Math Degree |
AND SIX additional math courses numbered 226 or above, no more of THREE of which may be at the 200 level, including at least one of the following courses:
Independent studies may be counted toward the count of six courses. |
AND FIVE additional math courses numbered 226 or above, no more of THREE of which may be at the 200 level. Independent studies may be counted toward the count of five courses.
Note: Courses taken on an S/U basis may not be counted for the major.
Science Courses
For B.S. Math Degree | For A.B. Math Degree |
The B.S. Math degree requires a pair of science courses from the following list: Physics: PHYSICS 25 (AP), 141L, 151L, OR 161D Statistical Science: (STA 210 or STA 221) AND (STA 360 or STA 325) Economics: ECON 205D AND ECON 210D Electrical and Computer Engineering: ECE 110L AND ECE 280L Computer Science: COMPSCI 330 AND COMPSCI 334 Biology: BIOLOGY 201L AND BIOLOGY 202L Chemistry: CHEM 21 (AP), 101DL, OR 110DL | No science courses required. |
- Students who choose the PHYSICS 161D/162D sequence are encouraged to supplement it with at least one semester of the half-credit sequence PHYSICS 161L/162L, Introductory Experimental Physics.
- Students who choose STAT 210 are encouraged to supplement it with the half-credit course STAT 211.
- Students who wish to substitute a more advanced course for one of the above science courses (such as a graduate version of one of the courses above) should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies with their specific request.