Past Gergen Lecture Speakers

2023, October 19-21: Hee Oh [Yale University]

2019, April 25: Christopher Hacon [University of Utah]

2019, March 19: Robert Kohn [NYU Courant Institute]

2016, November 21: Simon Brendle [Columbia University]

2016, April 5: Luis Caffarelli [University of Texas at Austin]

2016, March 21: Francis Brown [All Souls College, University of Oxford]

2014, March 4: László Lovász [Eötvös Loránd University]

2012, October 17: Alice Guionnet [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]

2012, February 29: Jordan S. Ellenberg [University of Wisconsin]

2011, February 28-March 2: Andrei Zelevinsky [Northeastern University]

2010, September 27-October 1: Felix Otto [Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences]

2009, April 6-8: Ingrid Daubechies [Princeton University]

2008, May 5-7: Cedric Villani [Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées]

2008, March 25-27: Richard Schoen [Stanford University]

2006, April 26-28: Leslie Greengard [Courant Institute]

2006, March 21-23: Gang Tian [Princeton University]

2004, March 1-3: Bernd Sturmfels [University of California, Berkeley]

2001, October 22-26: Percy Deift [The Courant Institute, New York University]

2000, October 23-25: Sir Roger Penrose [Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University]

2000, September 25-26: Martin Nowak [Director of Theoretical Biology at the Institute for Advanced Study]

2000: Leo P. Kadanoff [University of Chicago]

1999: Gerhard Huisken [Universität Tübingen]

1998: Stephen Semmes [Rice University]

1996: Peter Sarnak [Princeton University]

1995: Andrew Majda [Princeton University]

1994: Curt McMullen [UC Berkeley]

1993: Robert MacPherson [Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University]

1992: George Papanicolaou [Courant Institute, New York University]

1990/91: Blaine Lawson [SUNY at Stony Brook University]

1989/90: Peter Lax [Courant Institute, New York University]

1987/88: Edward Nelson [Princeton University]

1986/87: Shing Tung Yau [Harvard University]

1985/86: John W. Morgan [Columbia University]

1984/85: Frederick J. Almgren, Jr. [Princeton University]

1983/84: Richard Shore [Cornell University]

1982/83: Gilbert Strang [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]

1981/82: Cathleen S. Morawetz [Courant Institute, New York University]

1980/81: Charles C. Conley [University of Minnesota]

1979/80: James Glimm [New York University]

1978/79: Mark Kac [Rockefeller University]

1977/78: Phillip Griffiths [Harvard University]

1976/77: Victor Guillemin [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]

1975/76: Dennis Hejhal [University of Minnesota]

1974/75: Charles Fefferman [Princeton University]

1973/74: Andre Weil [Institute for Advanced Study]

1972/73: Raoul Bott [Harvard University]

1971/72: Andrew Gleason [Harvard University]

1970/71: I. M. Singer [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]

1969/70: Walter Rudin [University of Wisconsin]