Seminars + Events

Applied Math And Analysis Seminar
Ming-Jun Lai (University of Georgia)
Physics 119

One of the machine learning tasks is to read images and understand them. For example, a computer reads the images of MNIST data set, i.e. handwriting digits 0,..., 9 and…
read more about Sparse Solution Methods for Smarter Machine Learning »

Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Robert Crumplin
Gross 324

The question of counting maps from marked curves with fixed tangency conditions to a divisor in the target has been studied extensively over the past 15 years. One way of…
read more about Moduli spaces of twisted maps to smooth pairs »

Number Theory Seminar
Carl Wang-Erickson (University of Pittsburgh, Mathematics)
Physics 119

Hida theory provides a p-adic interpolation of modular forms that have a property known as ordinary. Hida’s interpolation inspired Mazur to formulate the deformation…
read more about Bi-ordinary modular forms »

Geometry/topology Seminar
Shaoyun Bai (MIT)
Physics 119
Department of Mathematics Seminar
Francisco Gancedo (University of Seville and IAS, Mathematics)
Physics 119

In this talk we discuss two new results about vortex filament evolution for incompressible Navier-Stokes and Euler equations. For Navier-Stokes, we prove global-in-time…
read more about On evolution of vortex filaments »

Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Kenneth Chiu (University of Hong Kong)
Zoom link
Number Theory Seminar
Dante Bonolis (Duke University)
Physics 119
Probability Seminar
Saraí Hernandez-Torres (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Matemáticas)
Physics 119
Mathematical Biology Seminar
Dirk Husmeier (University of Glasgow, Statistics)

Pulmonary hypertension, i.e. high blood pressure in the lungs, is a serious medical condition that can damage the right ventricle of the heart and ultimately lead to…
read more about Statistical emulation and uncertainty quantification in cardiovascular disease modelling »

Gergen Lectures
Peter Shor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Gross 330

Shortly after quantum mechanics was first formulated around 1930, it became evident that it was a strange theory. It took many years, however, before anybody suggested…
read more about The discovery and development of the quantum factoring algorithm »

Geometry/topology Seminar
Kyle Ormsby
Physics 119
Gergen Lectures
Peter Shor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
130 Physics

Among the first responses to the development of the quantum factoring algorithm was the claim that it could never possibly work — that errors in quantum mechanical…
read more about Quantum error correcting codes »

Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Xianjia Kong (UNC Chapel Hill)
Gross 324
Number Theory Seminar
Rena Chu (Duke University)
Physics 119
Gergen Lectures
Peter Shor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

In 1948, Shannon developed information theory and proved that classical communication channels had a well-defined capacity that limited the rate at which you could send…
read more about Quantum channel capacities »

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Allison Cruikshank (Duke University, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Geometry/topology Seminar
Jeremy Wall
Physics 119
Department of Mathematics Seminar
Iqra Altaf (University of Chicago)
Applied Math And Analysis Seminar
Pedro J. Saenz (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Mathematics)
Physics 119

Blending experiments, simulations and theory, we will discuss two different problems that are motivated by fundamental questions in physics and engineering. In the…
read more about Walking droplets & Galloping bubbles »

Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Lucy Yang
Gross 324
Number Theory Seminar
Kai-Wen Lan (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Probability Seminar
Evangelos Nikitopolous (University of Michigan, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Mathematical Biology Seminar
Hannah Scanlon (Duke University, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Geometry/topology Seminar
Biji Wong (Duke University)
Physics 119
Department of Mathematics Seminar
Matt Novack (Purdue University, Mathematics)
Physics 119