We present a form of stratified MCMC algorithm built with non-reversible stochastic dynamics in mind. It can also be viewed as a generalization of the exact milestoning method or form of NEUS. We prove the convergence of the method under certain assumptions, with expressions for the convergence… read more about this publication »
In this paper, we show that the Keller-Segel equation equipped with zero Dirichlet Boundary condition and actively coupled to a Stokes-Boussinesq flow is globally well-posed provided that the coupling is sufficiently large. We will in fact show that the dynamics is quenched after certain time. In… read more about this publication »
For gapped periodic systems (insulators), it has been established that the insulator is topologically trivial (i.e., its Chern number is equal to 0) if and only if its Fermi projector admits an orthogonal basis with finite second moment (i.e., all basis elements satisfy ∫|x|2|w(x)|2dx<∞). In… read more about this publication »
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are widely used for depression based on the monoamine deficiency hypothesis. However, the clinical use of these agents is controversial, in part because of their variable clinical efficacy and in part because of their delayed onset of action. Because… read more about this publication »
Objective.We aimed to fuse the outputs of different electrocardiogram-derived respiration (EDR) algorithms to create one higher quality EDR signal.Methods.We viewed each EDR algorithm as a software sensor that recorded breathing activity from a different vantage point, identified high-quality… read more about this publication »
We study the convergences of three projected Sobolev gradient flows to the ground state of the Gross-Pitaevskii eigenvalue problem. They are constructed as the gradient flows of the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional with respect to the H1 0 -metric and two other equivalent metrics on H1 0 ,… read more about this publication »
We introduce Cayley transform ellipsoid fitting (CTEF), an algorithm that uses the Cayley transform to fit ellipsoids to noisy data in any dimension. Unlike many ellipsoid fitting methods, CTEF is ellipsoid specific, meaning it always returns elliptic solutions, and can fit arbitrary ellipsoids. It… read more about this publication »
Let TtP2f(x) denote the solution to the linear Schrödinger equation at time t, with initial value function f, where P 2(ξ) = ∣ξ∣2. In 1980, Carleson asked for the minimal regularity of f that is required for the pointwise a.e. convergence of TtP2f(x) to f(x) as t → 0. This was recently resolved by… read more about this publication »
Chemotaxis is a directed cell movement in response to external chemical stimuli. In this paper, we propose a simple model for the origin of chemotaxis - namely how a directed movement in response to an external chemical signal may occur based on purely reaction-diffusion equations reflecting inner… read more about this publication »
In volume transmission (or neuromodulation) neurons do not make one-to-one connections to other neurons, but instead simply release neurotransmitter into the extracellular space from numerous varicosities. Many well-known neurotransmitters including serotonin (5HT), dopamine (DA), histamine (HA),… read more about this publication »
We introduce a family of stochastic models motivated by the study of nonequilibrium steady states of fluid equations. These models decompose the deterministic dynamics of interest into fundamental building blocks, i.e., minimal vector fields preserving some fundamental aspects of the original… read more about this publication »
In 1980 Carleson posed a question on the minimal regularity of an initial data function in a Sobolev space that implies pointwise convergence for the solution of the linear Schrödinger equation. After progress by many authors, this was recently resolved (up to the endpoint) by Bourgain, whose… read more about this publication »
Spectral Barron spaces have received considerable interest recently, as it is the natural function space for approximation theory of two-layer neural networks with a dimension-free convergence rate. In this paper, we study the regularity of solutions to the whole-space static Schrödinger equation… read more about this publication »
Chan, Durrett, and Lanchier introduced a multitype contact process with temporal heterogeneity involving two species competing for space on the d-dimensional integer lattice. Time is divided into two seasons. They proved that there is an open set of the parameters for which both species can coexist… read more about this publication »
The main mathematical result in this paper is that change of variables in the ordinary differential equation (ODE) for the competition of two infections in a Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) model shows that the fraction of cases due to the new variant satisfies the logistic differential equation… read more about this publication »
A better understanding of various patterns in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread in different parts of the world is crucial to its prevention and control. Motivated by the previously developed Global Epidemic and Mobility (GLEaM) model, this paper proposes a new stochastic dynamic model… read more about this publication »
We consider the stochastically forced Burgers equation with an emphasis on spatially rough driving noise. We show that the law of the process at a fixed time t, conditioned on no explosions, is absolutely continuous with respect to the stochastic heat equation obtained by removing the nonlinearity… read more about this publication »
The Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR) equations and their extensions comprise a commonly utilized set of models for understanding and predicting the course of an epidemic. In practice, it is of substantial interest to estimate the model parameters based on noisy observations early in the… read more about this publication »
The Fleming-Viot particle system consists of N identical particles diffusing in a domain U⊂Rd. Whenever a particle hits the boundary ∂U, that particle jumps onto another particle in the interior. It is known that this system provides a particle representation for both the Quasi-Stationary… read more about this publication »
In this paper, we consider the dynamics of a 2D target-searching agent performing Brownian motion under the influence of fluid shear flow and chemical attraction. The analysis is motivated by numerous situations in biology where these effects are present, such as broadcast spawning of marine… read more about this publication »
Exponentially-localized Wannier functions (ELWFs) are an orthonormal basis of the Fermi projection of a material consisting of functions which decay exponentially fast away from their maxima. When the material is insulating and crystalline, conditions which guarantee existence of ELWFs in… read more about this publication »
The neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) is known to be influenced by the circadian timekeeping system in the mammalian brain. We have previously created a single-cell differential equations model to understand the mechanisms behind circadian rhythms of extracellular DA. In this paper, we investigate the… read more about this publication »