Applied Math & Analysis

As part of the Department of Mathematics, the Applied Mathematics Program hosts this ongoing series of seminars. The presentations cover a broad range of topics including numerical analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, nonlinear systems, scientific computing, dynamical systems theory, mathematical biology, pattern formation, and complex physical systems.

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Upcoming Events

Ming-Jun Lai (University of Georgia)
Physics 119

One of the machine learning tasks is to read images and understand them. For example, a computer reads the images of MNIST data set, i.e. handwriting digits 0,..., 9 and…
read more about Sparse Solution Methods for Smarter Machine Learning »

Francisco Gancedo (University of Seville and IAS, Mathematics)
Physics 119

In this talk we discuss two new results about vortex filament evolution for incompressible Navier-Stokes and Euler equations. For Navier-Stokes, we prove global-in-time…
read more about On evolution of vortex filaments »

Iqra Altaf (University of Chicago)
Pedro J. Saenz (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Mathematics)
Physics 119

Blending experiments, simulations and theory, we will discuss two different problems that are motivated by fundamental questions in physics and engineering. In the…
read more about Walking droplets & Galloping bubbles »

Matt Novack (Purdue University, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Daniel Appelo (Virginia Tech)
Physics 119
Rongjie Lai (Purdue)
Physics 119
Lihan Wang (Carnegie Mellon University)
Physics 119