Private Tutoring

Each semester there are a number of graduate and undergraduate students who wish to serve as private tutors. As a service to students seeking private tutors, the Math Department keeps a list on file of individuals who have registered to be Math tutors.

If you are interested in being listed as a private tutor, you need to submit an application, then reach out to Clark Bray with additional requested information.

Please Note:

  • Students hiring private tutors are responsible for paying the rate set by the tutor.
  • By putting the name of an individual on this list, the Math Department is neither endorsing or recommending that individual.
  • Many/most of these tutors should be able to tutor remotely through Zoom. Check with individual tutors about their status on this.

Mathematics Tutors

Allen, JessicaGrad student - BME (ugrad math major)jessica.allen@duke.eduAll courses
Amaya, VictorGrad student - Mathva80@duke.eduAll courses
Arya, ShreyaGrad student - Mathsarya@math.duke.eduCalculus courses
Biduru, SripradaGrad student - MEMsriprada.biduru@duke.eduCalculus courses
Chand, ShrikantGrad student - Mathshrikant.chand@duke.eduAll courses
Chen, Po-YingGrad student - Mathpo-ying.chen@duke.eduAll courses
Crowe, AidenUndergrad studentaiden.crowe@duke.eduCalculus, linear algebra, multivariable calculus, Math 230, Math 353
Daccache, GeorgeGrad student - Mathgeorge.daccache@duke.eduAll calculus and linear algebra courses
Hsu, Ching-LungGrad student - Mathchinglung.hsu@duke.eduAll calculus and probability courses
Hu, YuangGrad student - and probability courses
Kini, SameerUndergrad studentsameer.kini@duke.eduCalculus and other introductory courses
Liang, LiGrad student - Econ (former)happykeykey@gmail.com105L, 106L, 111L, 112L, 122L, 202D, 353 (Skype/Facetime)
McErlean, JackGrad student - Mathjacob.mcerlean@duke.eduAll courses
Mousley, JonathanGrad student - Mathjonathan.mousley@duke.eduAll calculus courses except 111L; all linear algebra courses
Poff, MalloryGrad student - MEmallory.poff@duke.eduCalculus courses
Pritchard, StanleyGrad student - Math (former)stanleypritchard0@gmail.comAll courses
Scanlon, HannahGrad student - Mathhannah.scanlon@duke.eduAll calculus and differential equations courses
Villegas Negrete, FernandoGrad student - Mathf.vill@duke.eduAll courses except Math 218 and probability