
0-99 Advanced Placement Credit; House Courses; First-Year Seminars; First-Year Writing; Registrar/Department special purpose
100-199 Introductory-level undergraduate courses; basic skills/activity courses; foundation courses; Focus program courses
200-399 Undergraduate courses above introductory level
400-499 Advanced undergraduate, senior seminars, capstone courses, honors thesis courses
500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)

To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”.

Select from the following menus to filter the table.
Number Title Codes Notes
MATH 21 Introductory Calculus I
MATH 22 Introductory Calculus II
MATH 75 SPIRE Fellows STEM Skills and Identity Building
MATH 89S First-Year Seminar
MATH 105L Laboratory Calculus and Functions I QS
MATH 106L Laboratory Calculus and Functions II QS
MATH 111L Laboratory Calculus I QS
MATH 112L Laboratory Calculus II QS
MATH 122L Introductory Calculus II with Applications QS
MATH 163FS Mathematics of Data Science STS, QS
MATH 165FS Cryptography and Society STS, W, QS
MATH 167CNS Game Theory and Democracy
MATH 181 Math Everywhere: Mathematical Concepts and Reasoning in our Modern World QS
MATH 185 The Art of Proof QS
MATH 190 Special Topics in Mathematics
MATH 190L Special Topics in Mathematics
MATH 190S Seminar on Special Topics in Mathematics
MATH 191 Independent Study
MATH 202 Multivariable Calculus for Economics QS
MATH 202D Multivariable Calculus for Economics QS
MATH 212 Multivariable Calculus QS
MATH 212A Multivariable Calculus QS
MATH 212D Multivariable Calculus QS
MATH 216 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations QS
MATH 216D Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (Discussion)
MATH 218D Matrices and Vector Spaces QS
MATH 218D-1 Matrices and Vector Spaces QS
MATH 218D-2 Matrices and Vectors QS
MATH 218L Matrices and Vector Spaces: Optional Lab Section
MATH 219 Multivariable Calculus QS
MATH 221 Linear Algebra QS
MATH 221D Linear Algebra and Applications QS
MATH 222 Advanced Multivariable Calculus QS
MATH 228L Probability for Statistical Inference, Modeling, and Data Analysis QS
MATH 230 Probability QS
MATH 230S Probability Inquiry Based Learning W, QS
MATH 231 An Algorithmic Introduction to Probability and its Applications QS New in Spring 2024.
MATH 232S Math, Ethics, and Society EI, STS, CZ
MATH 238L Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Decision Science QS
MATH 240 Introduction to Applied Mathematics: Modeling, Equations and Proofs QS
MATH 242 Discrete Mathematics and Proofs QS
MATH 245 Introduction to Mathematics: Example, Conjecture, and Proof QS
MATH 248S Formalization of Mathematics: Seminar on the proof assistant Lean
MATH 260 Python Programming in Mathematics QS
MATH 270 Biological Clocks: How Organisms Keep Time NS, QS
MATH 281S Problem Solving Seminar QS
MATH 282S Mathematical and interdisciplinary modeling seminar W, QS
MATH 283S Advanced Problem Solving Seminar
MATH 290 Special Topics in Mathematics
MATH 290-1 Topics in Mathematical Analysis
MATH 290S Seminar in Topics in Mathematics
MATH 298 Independent Study
MATH 304 Introduction to Cryptography STS, QS
MATH 305S Number Theory R, QS
MATH 323S Geometry R
MATH 333 Complex Analysis QS
MATH 340 Advanced Introduction to Probability QS
MATH 343 Theory and Methods of Statistical Learning and Inference QS
MATH 353 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations QS
MATH 353A Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations QS
MATH 356 Elementary Differential Equations QS
MATH 361S Mathematical Numerical Analysis R, QS
MATH 363 Introduction to Quantum Information Science NS, QS
MATH 371 Combinatorics QS
MATH 375 Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory QS
MATH 388 Logic and Its Applications
MATH 390 Special Topics in Mathematics
MATH 391 Independent Study
MATH 392 Independent Study
MATH 393 Research Independent Study R
MATH 394 Research Independent Study R
MATH 401 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
MATH 403 Advanced Linear Algebra QS
MATH 404 Mathematical Cryptography QS
MATH 411 Topology QS
MATH 412 Topological Data Analysis QS
MATH 421 Differential Geometry QS
MATH 431 Introduction to Real Analysis W, QS
MATH 451S Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos R, QS
MATH 453 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations QS
MATH 462 Graph Analysis with Matrix Computation QS
MATH 465 Introduction to High Dimensional Data Analysis QS
MATH 466 Mathematics of Machine Learning QS
MATH 477S Seminar in Mathematical Modeling with a Focus on Writing R, W, QS
MATH 487 Introduction to Mathematical Logic QS
MATH 490 Topics in Mathematics
MATH 491 Independent Study
MATH 492 Independent Study
MATH 493 Research Independent Study R
MATH 494 Research Independent Study R
MATH 501 Introduction to Algebraic Structures I
MATH 502 Introduction to Algebraic Structures II
MATH 527 General Relativity NS, QS
MATH 531 Real Analysis I W, QS
MATH 532 Real Analysis II QS
MATH 541 Applied Stochastic Processes QS
MATH 545 Introduction to Stochastic Calculus QS
MATH 551 Applied Partial Differential Equations and Complex Variables QS
MATH 553 Asymptotic and Perturbation Methods QS
MATH 555 Ordinary Differential Equations QS
MATH 557 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations QS
MATH 560 Theory and Practice of Algorithms
MATH 561 Numerical Linear Algebra, Optimization and Monte Carlo Simulation QS
MATH 563 Applied Computational Analysis QS
MATH 565D Numerical Analysis R, QS
MATH 571 Algorithmic Game Theory QS
MATH 574 Quantitative Methods for Biomedical Studies QS
MATH 575 Mathematical Fluid Dynamics QS
MATH 577 Mathematical Modeling QS
MATH 581 Mathematical Finance QS
MATH 582 Financial Derivatives
MATH 583 Introduction to Data Science and Quantitative Methods in Risk Management QS
MATH 585 Introduction to Algorithmic Trading – Financial Data and Modeling QS
MATH 586 Data Science and Decision Optimization in Banking & Financial Services QS
MATH 587 Introduction to Financial Time Series Analysis QS
MATH 590-01 Special Readings
MATH 590-02 Advanced Special Topics in Mathematics
MATH 590-60 Topics in Theory and Practice of Algorithms
MATH 601 Groups, Rings, and Fields
MATH 602 An Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
MATH 603 Representation Theory QS
MATH 605 Algebraic Number Theory
MATH 606 Introduction to Automorphic Representations
MATH 611 Algebraic Topology I QS
MATH 612 Algebraic Topology II QS
MATH 620 Smooth Manifolds QS
MATH 621 Differential Geometry QS
MATH 623 Complex Differential Geometry QS
MATH 627 Algebraic Geometry
MATH 631 Measure and Integration QS
MATH 633 Complex Analysis QS
MATH 635 Functional Analysis QS
MATH 636 Analytic Number Theory QS
MATH 641 Probability QS
MATH 653 Elliptic Partial Differential Equations QS
MATH 660 Numerical Partial Differential Equations QS
MATH 690-00 Topics in Algebraic Geometry
MATH 690-05 Topics in Number Theory
MATH 690-10 Topics in Topology
MATH 690-20 Topics in Differential Geometry
MATH 690-32 Topics in Analysis
MATH 690-40 Topics in Probability Theory
MATH 690-50 Topics in Partial Differential Equations
MATH 690-60 Topics in Numerical Methods
MATH 690-70 Topics in Applied Mathematics
MATH 690-72 Topics in Combinatorics
MATH 690-82 Topics in Mathematical Finance
MATH 701 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
MATH 702 Combinatorics
MATH 703 Advanced Linear Algebra
MATH 711 Topology
MATH 712 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 712D Multivariable Calculus
MATH 713 Topological Data Analysis
MATH 716 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
MATH 716D Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (Discussion)
MATH 718 Matrices and Vector Spaces
MATH 718D Matrices and Vector Spaces
MATH 718D-1 Matrices and Vector Spaces
MATH 719 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 721 Linear Algebra and Applications
MATH 721D Linear Algebra and Applications
MATH 722 Differential Geometry
MATH 723S Geometry
MATH 730 Probability
MATH 731 Introduction to Real Analysis
MATH 732 Advanced Multivariable Calculus
MATH 733 Complex Analysis
MATH 740 Advanced Introduction to Probability
MATH 742 Stochastic Models
MATH 743L Linear Models
MATH 751S Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 753 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
MATH 754 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 756 Elementary Differential Equations
MATH 757 Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory
MATH 765 Introduction to High Dimensional Data Analysis
MATH 766 Mathematics of Machine Learning
MATH 771S Teaching College Mathematics
MATH 772S Teaching College Mathematics 1
MATH 773S Teaching College Mathematics 2
MATH 780 Calculus and Probability
MATH 781 Matrices and Data
MATH 789 Fundamentals of Finance Business Models for Students in Math and Data Science
MATH 790-03 Research in Algebraic Geometry
MATH 790-50 Research in Differential Equations
MATH 790-71 Current Research in Applied Mathematics
MATH 790-77 Current Research in Mathematical Biology
MATH 790-90 Minicourse in Advanced Topics
MATH 790-92 Foundational Minicourses on Topics in Math for Graduate Students
MATH 790-95 Advanced Topics in Mathematics
MATH 799 Special Readings
MATH 895 Internship