The Lyceum

 The Lyceum

Faculty, graduate and undergraduate students in the math lounge
Faculty, graduate and undergraduate students in the Math lounge

Inspired by the ancient Greek Lyceum temple where scholars debated theses and theorems, our club works to encourage passionate mathematical discussion between members of the Duke community. Like DUMU, our group seeks to engage students on mathematical topics. But instead of doing so through mathematical competitions, The Lyceum takes a more social and discourse-based approach to studying interdisciplinary mathematics. As a group, we’re looking to challenge the stereotype of what a math major at Duke looks like and we hope to champion the diversity of our university’s many budding interdisciplinary scholars.

Absolutely any member of the Duke Community is invited to join us! Graduate or undergraduate; math major or no- we want to hear what you have to say! The Lyceum also takes a strong stance on championing the voices of BIPOC/POC, LGBTQIA+, and female-identifying voices in mathematics.

Check out our website here to find out more and to join us:  The Lyceum