Amudan J. Srinivasan, B.S. 2014

Resident Physician, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Department of Surgery – Pittsburgh, PA

2014 Major: Mathematics with minor in Biology; M.D., 2018

How has being a Mathematics graduate from Duke helped shape you personally and/or professionally?

"My undergraduate training in math has helped me think analytically in other fields as well, such as medicine. It has also helped with understanding the medical literature since there's a surprising number of physicians who don't have a good understanding of statistics."

What advice would you give students in Duke's Mathematics programs?

"Enjoy the ride. I chose a math major purely for fun, knowing that while I didn't plan on a career in math, I enjoyed it enough to study it in undergrad. You can do basically anything afterwards. (Also, for whatever reason, people are inordinately impressed when they hear you were a math major.)"

Amudan J. Srinivasan