Mollie Breen, B.A. 2015

CEO & Co-founder, Perygee

2015 Major: Mathematics and Computer Science

How has being a Mathematics graduate from Duke helped shape you personally and/or professionally?

"There are two things I love most about being a mathematics graduate. First, I love how studying math has shaped the way I solve everything from math problems to business strategy. Second, I love the connection I share any time I meet another mathematics graduate from Duke and any other program. It takes both determination and humility to study math, and I'd like to think that we all share a bond in going through that journey."

What advice would you give students in Duke's Mathematics programs?

"I didn't study Math because I was already good at it. I studied Math because I wanted to get good at it. So the same can be true for anyone else who is interested in studying math but is afraid that they aren't good enough. My advice would be to go for it."

Mollie Breen