Advanced Special Topics in Mathematics

MATH 590-02

01:  Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics and String Theory

Fall 2022

Instructor:  Paul Aspinwall

The aim of this course is to describe the fundamental ideas behind
string theory. In particular, the critical dimension of 26 will be
derived for the bosonic string. The necessary ideas from classical and
quantum mechanics will be included. Other key topics to be covered are
symmetries, Lie groups and cohomology. This course
will also cover supersymmetry and superstrings, whose critical
dimension is 10. It is not necessary to have taken a course on quantum
mechanics as this course should be self-contained. A good
understanding of linear algebra, for example, MATH 221, and
multivariable calculus is absolutely essential.




Topics in mathematics suitable for advanced undergraduates or graduate students. Topics vary per semester.
String theory
Typically Offered