Mathematical and interdisciplinary modeling seminar


Spring 2021

Instructor:  Veronica Ciocanel

Introduction to mathematical techniques and their applications to real world problems. Class meetings will start with an introduction to a mathematical tool (and often its implementation), with the remainder of the class devoted to working in teams on modeling strategies for a given problem. Practice problems will be drawn from the COMAP Mathematical or Interdisciplinary Contest for Modeling, and students may have the opportunity to participate in the contest in February. Students will learn about a range of tools useful for modeling and write reports describing models and results. Prerequisite: Math 111 (or 121) and 112 (or 122). Some programming experience is useful but not required. Half-credit course.


Introduction to mathematical techniques and their applications to real world problems. Class meetings will start with an introduction to a mathematical tool (and often its implementation), with the remainder of the class devoted to working in teams on modeling strategies for a given problem. Practice problems will be drawn from the COMAP Mathematical or Interdisciplinary Contest for Modeling, and students may have the opportunity to participate in the contest in February. Students will learn about a range of tools useful for modeling and write reports describing models and results. Prerequisite: Math 111 (or 121) and 112 (or 122). Some programming experience is useful but not required.
Math Modeling
Curriculum Codes
  • W
  • QS
Typically Offered
Spring Only