Seminars + Events

Number Theory Seminar
Sachi Hashimoto (Brown University)
Physics 119

Faltings's theorem tells us that the set of rational points on a curve of genus at least 2 is finite, but explicitly determining this finite set is a difficult problem.…
read more about p-Adic methods for determining rational points on curves »

Number Theory Seminar
Zhilin Luo (University of Chicago)
Physics 119
Probability Seminar
Daniel Perales-Anaya (Texas A&M, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Mathematical Biology Seminar
Orlando Ferrer (Duke University, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Geometry/topology Seminar
Yaiza Canzani
Physics 119
Applied Math And Analysis Seminar
Daniel Appelo (Virginia Tech)
Physics 119
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Andrés Jaramillo Puentes
Gross 324
Number Theory Seminar
Pan Yan (University of Arizona, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Geometry/topology Seminar
Joshua Sabloff (Haverford, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Applied Math And Analysis Seminar
Rongjie Lai (Purdue)
Physics 119
Number Theory Seminar
Ameya Pitale (University of Oklahoma, Mathematics)
Physics 119
Geometry/topology Seminar
Physics 119
Number Theory Seminar
Physics 119
Applied Math And Analysis Seminar
Lihan Wang (Carnegie Mellon University)
Physics 119
Commencement 2025
French Family Science Center Patio

First Majors & PhD Graduates RSVP by 5:00 PM, April 11, 2025 Please include yourself and all guests in your RSVP. * Light lunch to follow only for those who RSVP
read more about Duke University, Department of Mathematics, Diploma Ceremony »

Colloquium Seminar
Fabien Morel
Physics 119
Mathematical Biology Seminar
Herman Pontzer (Duke University, Evolutionary Anthropology)
Physics 119