Tarek Elgindi and Hongkai Zhao Awarded 2024 Frontiers of Science Award

Image of Hongkai Zhou and Tarek Elgindi

Congratulations to Tarek Elgindi and Hongkai Zhao for being selected by the International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) as recipients of the 2024 Frontiers of Science Award (FSA) in Mathematics. 


The FSA honors top research, with an emphasis on achievements from the past ten years which are both excellent and of outstanding scholarly value. For the 2024 selection, scientific works in both basic and applied research are chosen in 42 areas of the three basic science fields (mathematics, theoretical physics, and theoretical computer and information sciences) represented at the ICBS. A scientific achievement must meet the following three requirements to be considered: (1) it must have been published in the last 10 years; (2) it must be of highest scientific value and originality and have made an important impact on its area; (3) it must have been evaluated and accepted by scholars in its area. 


Elgindi was cited for his work "Finite-time singularity formation for C1,α solutions to the incompressible Euler equations on R3”, Annals of Mathematics (2021). 

Zhao was cited for his joint work with Jian Liang  "Solving partial differential equations on point clouds”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2013).