Faculty Profile Data Sources

Local data

Some data is managed directly on the math.duke.edu site as there is no external source for this data. The following field can be edited by individual faculty members:

  • Research Areas: A select list to indicate those research areas in which you are active. The options selected for the 'Research Areas' will determine where you appear in the research section of the site (http://math.duke.edu/research).

System of record sources

The profiles pull most of their data from external sources such as Scholars@Duke, Duke@Work, and the Trinity Directory Tool. Note that changes made in these systems of record will not immediately appear on your profile, but should be present within 24-48 hours.

  • Name: This data is pulled from dFac (Professional Name); contact Business Manager if this needs to be updated.
  • Title: This data is pulled from dFac (Appointment Title); contact Business Manager if this needs to be updated. Changes may need approval by the Dean's office.
  • External Address:  Edited via Duke@Work. Go to Duke@Work, select the "MyInfo" tab and choose "MyProfile" then "Maintain your Addresses & Phone Numbers."  Use this format:  "120 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708."
  • Interoffice Address:  Edited via Duke@Work (same as External Address above).  Use this format:  "(your room #) Physics Building, Box 90320"
  • Phone:  Edited via Duke@Work (same as External Address above).
  • Office Hours: The office hours are pulled from the Office Hours noted in your Scholars@Duke profile.
  • Photo: The photo is pulled from your Scholars@Duke profile.
  • Email: The email shown is your 'Preferred email address' in the Duke Directory. To change this, go to the Account Self-Service tool and expand the 'Manage Directory Listings' section. Click 'Change your preferred email address' and select your preferred address or enter a new address.
  • Websites: The list of links is being pulled from the Web Site section of your Scholars@Duke profile.
  • Overview: This statement is pulled from the 'Overview' in your Scholars@Duke profile.
  • Education & Training: This data is pulled from dFac; contact Business Manager if this needs to be updated.
  • Awards: These are pulled from your Scholars@Duke profile; any changes or additions should be made there.
  • Publications: Publications are pulled from Scholars@Duke, which is populated by publications found in Duke Elements. Sign into Duke Elements, view your Pending Publications, and approve those that you want displayed on your profile.
  • Professional Activities: Activities such as presentations, service to the profession, and service to the University are pulled from Scholars@Duke
  • Grants: Data for grants is provided by the Grants and Contracts database maintained by the Office of Research Support.