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Med Phys

Wang, Y; Li, X; Konanur, M; Konkel, B; Seyferth, E; Brajer, N; Liu, J-G; Bashir, MR; Lafata, KJ

BACKGROUND: Due to intrinsic differences in data formatting, data structure, and underlying semantic information, the integration of imaging data with clinical data can be non-trivial. Optimal integration requires robust data fusion, that is, the process of integrating multiple data sources to… read more about this publication »

Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

Kiselev, A; Luo, X

It is well known that vortex patches are wellposed in C1,α if 0 < α< 1 . In this paper, we prove the illposedness of C2 vortex patches. The setup is to consider the vortex patches in Sobolev spaces W2,p where the curvature of the boundary is Lp integrable. In this setting, we show the… read more about this publication »

Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu

Bachmann, T; Wickelgren, K

We equate various Euler classes of algebraic vector bundles, including those of [12] and one suggested by M. J. Hopkins, A. Raksit, and J.-P. Serre. We establish integrality results for this Euler class and give formulas for local indices at isolated zeros, both in terms of the six-functors… read more about this publication »

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B

Dou, X; Liu, JG; Zhou, Z

In this paper, we propose a tumor growth model to incorporate and investigate the spatial effects of autophagy. The cells are classified into two phases: normal cells and autophagic cells, whose dynamics are also coupled with the nutrients. First, we construct a reaction-(cross-)diffusion system… read more about this publication »

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series A

Bowen, M; King, JR; Witelski, TP

We consider the porous medium equation subject to zero-Dirichlet conditions on a variety of two-dimensional domains, namely strips, slender domains and sectors, allowing us to capture a number of different classes of behaviours. Our focus is on intermediate-asymptotic descriptions, derived by… read more about this publication »

Communications in Mathematics and Statistics

Wang, M; Lu, J

In this paper, we propose and study neural network-based methods for solutions of high-dimensional quadratic porous medium equation (QPME). Three variational formulations of this nonlinear PDE are presented: a strong formulation and two weak formulations. For the strong formulation, the solution is… read more about this publication »

Journal of chemical theory and computation

Bierman, J; Li, Y; Lu, J

Near-term quantum computers will be limited in the number of qubits on which they can process information as well as the depth of the circuits that they can coherently carry out. To date, experimental demonstrations of algorithms such as the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) have been limited… read more about this publication »

Annals of Mathematics

Dasgupta, S; Kakde, M

Let H=F be a finite abelian extension of number fields with F totally real and H a CM field. Let S and T be disjoint finite sets of places of F satisfying the standard conditions. The Brumer-Stark conjecture states that the Stickelberger element ΦH/FS,T annihilates the T-smoothed class group ClT(H… read more about this publication »