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Electronic Journal of Probability

Herzog, DP; Mattingly, JC; Nguyen, HD

We study the statistically invariant structures of the nonlinear generalized Langevin equation (GLE) with a power-law memory kernel. For a broad class of memory kernels, including those in the subdiffusive regime, we construct solutions of the GLE using a Gibbsian framework, which does not rely on… read more about this publication »

Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice

Tackett, M; Viel, S; Manturuk, K

This study examines Cho & Demmans Epp’s short-form adaptation of Rovai’s well-known Classroom Community Scale (CCS-SF) as a measure of classroom community among introductory undergraduate math and statistics students. A series of statistical analyses were conducted to investigate the validity… read more about this publication »

Communications in Mathematical Sciences

Liu, JG; Tang, Y; Zhao, Y

The Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Bikermann (PNPB) model, in which the ions and water molecules are treated as different species with non-uniform sizes and valences with interstitial voids, can describe the steric and correlation effects in ionic solution neglected by the Poisson-Nernst-Planck and Poisson-… read more about this publication »

Journal of Nonlinear Science

Holst, M; Hu, H; Lu, J; Marzuola, JL; Song, D; Weare, J

We study symmetry breaking in the mean field solutions to the electronic structure problem for the 2 electron hydrogen molecule within the Kohn Sham (KS) local spin density functional theory with Dirac exchange (the XLDA model). This simplified model shows behavior related to that of the (KS) spin… read more about this publication »

Theoretical Population Biology

Tung, H-R; Durrett, R

Chan, Durrett, and Lanchier introduced a multitype contact process with temporal heterogeneity involving two species competing for space on the d-dimensional integer lattice. Time is divided into two seasons. They proved that there is an open set of the parameters for which both species can coexist… read more about this publication »

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Boyle, L; Hletko, S; Huang, J; Lee, J; Pallod, G; Tung, H-R; Durrett, R

The main mathematical result in this paper is that change of variables in the ordinary differential equation (ODE) for the competition of two infections in a Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) model shows that the fraction of cases due to the new variant satisfies the logistic differential equation… read more about this publication »

Annales De L'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités Et Statistiques

Cook, NA; Guionnet, A; Husson, J

For a fixed quadratic polynomial p in n non-commuting variables, and n independent N × N complex Ginibre matrices XN1, ⋯, XNn, we establish the convergence of the empirical measure of the eigenvalues of PN = p(XN1, ⋯, XNn) to the Brown measure of p evaluated at n freely independent circular… read more about this publication »

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Berger, SN; Baumberger, B; Samaranayake, S; Hersey, M; Mena, S; Bain, I; Duncan, W; Reed, MC; Nijhout, HF; Best, J; Hashemi, P

Histamine is well known for mediating peripheral inflammation; however, this amine is also found in high concentrations in the brain where its roles are much less known. In vivo chemical dynamics are difficult to measure, thus fundamental aspects of histamine's neurochemistry remain undefined. In… read more about this publication »

Geophysical Research Letters

Voisin, S; Hineman, J; Polly, JB; Koplik, G; Ball, K; Bendich, P; D‘Addezio, J; Jacobs, GA; Özgökmen, T

Current state-of-the art procedures for studying modeled submesoscale oceanographic features have made a strong assumption of independence between features identified at different times. Therefore, all submesoscale eddies identified in a time series were studied in aggregate. Statistics from these… read more about this publication »

Duke Mathematical Journal

Hom, J; Levine, AS; Lidman, T

Let CbZ denote the group of knots in homology spheres that bound homology balls, modulo smooth concordance in homology cobordisms. Answering a question of Matsumoto, the second author previously showed that the natural map from the smooth knot concordance group C to CbZ is not surjective. Using… read more about this publication »

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Zhao, Z; Hettle, C; Gupta, S; Mattingly, JC; Randall, D; Herschlag, GJ

To audit political district maps for partisan gerrymandering, one may determine a baseline for the expected distribution of partisan outcomes by sampling an ensemble of maps. One approach to sampling is to use redistricting policy as a guide to precisely codify preferences between maps. Such… read more about this publication »

Journal of Mathematical Biology

Melikechi, O; Young, AL; Tang, T; Bowman, T; Dunson, D; Johndrow, J

The Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR) equations and their extensions comprise a commonly utilized set of models for understanding and predicting the course of an epidemic. In practice, it is of substantial interest to estimate the model parameters based on noisy observations early in the… read more about this publication »